A text-sound composition by David Vikgren and Helena Persson
”Bryta byggd, röja väg, öppna berg!” hovers over a landscape of soundart, poetry and experimental music where the voice and lyricism of the poet David Vikgren meets the sonic world of sound artist Helena Persson.
Their mutual starting point - the book Materialvägensägen (Vikgren 2019) - will take them for a journey of space, non-space, industrialization and societal liquidation, where the sound piece gives voice to both lyrics and field recordings. The poetry, that through the book holds a strong character, here resigns from its superior position and opens up for a mutual understanding where voice, sounds and tonal world carries an equal role. Within this meeting unfolds an acoustic scenery of harmony and disharmony, frequencies and fluctuations.

David Vikgren Photo Lina Ikse

Helena Persson Photo Fredrik Bilén
Poeten och kritikern Fredrik Nyberg skriver om David Vikgren.
Läs hans text här!